Thursday, 5 March 2015

G.W agreed that homes needed to be found for all and they would contact that lady in Morecombe about the possibility of Amelia moving there,  G.W, said that Grandma could come and live with them and over a period of time he would find room for many more, but let get grandma over here first said G.W. Grumpy at that moment got very excited announced I am off now to relate the news to Grandma and help her to pack.  Wait said G.W. we aren't quite ready for her as she needs a bed.  Oh that ok said Mr.Silly she can have mine and I will sleep on the sofa.  When Grumpy arrived in Gnomesville there was mayhem as the diggers had been going all day and everyone was holding their heads and several groups were in a huddle.  "Now what is going on here? " Robin the Red was siting with his brothers getting more and more agitated.  Robin Rainbow and his gang were completely engrossed in a conversation planning to rob the diggers of part of the machinery so it wouldn't function and Earth Ernest and friends were planning on moving to Somerset as they had heard of a lovely family who liked outdoors things and thought maybe they would welcome him and his gang.  Poor Grandma was sitting and shaking all over in between sobbing that her head hurt.  Amelia had taken to her bed.  Well that settles it we must all get a move on and find more homes, but first all of you help me and we can pack enough for Grandma to move tonight.  At that Grandma's eyes grew bigger and she smiled.  It was the first time Grumpy had seen her smile for ages. Robin the Red began singing loudly totally out of tune as usual.  Earthy Ernest was very excited and said loudly he had hope the first person to get moved would be Grandma.  Soon all was ready and they began to say their goodbyes.  There were so many tears accompanied by  hugs and as they sped off a big cheer went off in gnomesville.  By the time they arrived at G.W's home it was dark and G.W's "Now what have we here" he said.